Ryan Puhlmann
He has always had a passion for fitness and training at XKM has just taken this passion to a whole different level. He trained Jiu-Jitsu with his father & brothers earlier in life but that feel off after a couple of years. His other hobbies include weight lifting, mountain biking, hiking, jiu-jitsu, dirt bikes, riding his Harley, shooting, and just hanging out with family and friends.
“Every class is different and the community within the gym is fantastic. There are no egos and everyone is always trying to build each other up every day.” These are some of the main reasons that Ryan keeps coming back to train with XKM.
Ryan’s main reason to start Krav Maga was because he never wants to “freeze in fear” when an uncertain life event happens. He always wants to have a plan or muscle memory of what the next step needs to be in uncertain times. He takes pride in being the protector of his family and needs to keep his body/mind sharp every day.